Do you have difficulties with sleeping? Sensory Corner

Good quality sleep is one of the most important things for effective daily functioning. We all know that without good sleep, we suffer from daytime fatigue, memory difficulties, reduced concentration, impaired decision making, and increased stress levels. This in turn can impact on our physical health too; high blood pressure and weight gain (just to name a couple).

For some people, sleep derivation is long-term, debilitating and extremely stressful. Sleep difficulties can also affect entire households (especially when the person who can't sleep disturbs others in the house during the night).

When we are tired, sensory sensitivities can also become more of a problem in our lives. Our thresholds for tolerance may decrease. For example, we might find the tags in our clothes (that we are usually ok with), much more annoying. Perhaps the noises in the office by co-workers, might suddenly become more intolerable. During times of sleep deprivation, it's even more important to gravitate to the things that we find calming and relaxing.

So many things in our lives can impact on our sleep. Finding the the things that work and eliminating possible causes of sleeplessness can be a challenge. Disconnecting from our devices, eliminating stimulants (e.g. coffee), and good sleep routines is always good practice, as these things all have an impact on our sensory system. Thinking about the things that have worked in the past is also very useful. What worked back then, might also be good to consider again. Ask yourself, "What helps me to feel relaxed, calm, and ready for sleep?" It will be different for everyone. Do I need sound or quiet? Do I like something heavy weight or light? Do I need very warm or to be a bit cool? Do I need movement or to be still? Exploring your own sensory preferences and taking notice of what helps to regulate your levels of alertness is valuable when considering sleep. It can sometimes take time to work this out.

We have some products available that are useful for relaxation and calm to help induce sleep. We have also created a special section on the website dedicated to sleep, as sleeplessness it is such a common difficulty that affects us all all at some point. This section has some of the more common aids to help with sleep, but depending on your sensory preferences, you might also find things outside of the Sleep section useful in your nightly sleep routine.

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